I'm finally getting 'round to reviewing Hatchet after seeing it over a year ago. Hatchet is similar to Friday the 13th, but more amusing. If you watch the trailer, it gives you a bit of backstory as to what the film is about. Anyway, I found Hatchet to be highly entertaining. It's insanely cliche and that's what makes it so fun to watch. It's basically about a group of tourists at Mardi Gras who decide to take a swamp tour. Of course something happens and they get stranded in the woods in the bayou. And what a surprise, there happens to be a psycho killer on the loose. You have your stereotyped kids, too. The black guy, the perverted adult, the slutty girls, the nerdy kid, and Asian guy, and the old couple. I think that's all of them. Each one of them gets killed in a fun and bloody way and that makes it so much more enjoyable. Robert Englund also has a bit part at the beginning. Overall, Hatchet, with its cliches, is a cheesy romp through the horror genre. I give it 4.5/5 stars. I also made a fan video to go with the movie. Here it is:
Happy Nightmares, my loves.
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