Red is another one of Jack Ketchum's novels that got turned into a film. And what a film it was. I read the novel first, so I knew what to expect. However, the film made me feel emotions the book couldn't, and that's what made the film so much the better. Red is about an old man and his dog. Simple enough, right? Well, not quite. Brian Cox plays Avery, the old man. One day, Avery is out fishing with his dog and these three teenage boys come along with a shotgun and begin chatting with Avery. One of them decides to try and rob him, but when he offers them his truck and wallet with $20-$30, the boy gets mad and shoots Avery's dog. Avery goes to the boy's father, who believes his son over the old man, which, in turn, pisses the old man off. Unable to take legal action against the boys, he decides to get his own revenge. I enjoyed every second of this film. It's simple, yet satisfying. A truely awesome story of revenge. Robert Englund also has a bit part in this, and he's an asshole, too. Watching this film, I felt happiness, sadness, anger, and a few other emotions. A really well-done film. Would recommend this one to all fans of horror.
Happy Nightmares, my loves.