Martyrs is a French horror film that can be described in two words: Sick/disturbing. I normally like French horror because it's more deranged than American horror and can get away with so much more. Plus, the blood and gore factors are much higher. Martyrs, however, went above and beyond anything I've ever seen, and it disturbed me more than Hostel and Saw combined. At first I was utterly confused by this movie, but as it progressed, more and more got explained and had a much more horrifying concept behind it. This movie involves brutal abuse against young women and the ending is so outrageously wrong; I almost couldn't handle this film. Two friends go on a mission to exact revenge against the people who abused one of them as a child. What happens after can't even be imagined by even the sickest of minds. I was blown away by how amazingly well written, directed, and acted this was. I just couldn't wrap my mind around the why of what was going on. It just awed me in every way possible. If you like films that make you think and don't mind the fact that it's French, see it and see for yourself just how insane this film really is.
Happy Nightmares, my loves.